Marketing Is Freedom

marketing is freedom

A professional in direct sales and marketing since 1989, RORY RICORD is the author of Marketing Is Freedom. Rory Ricord has been living and breathing marketing since the age of 15, and it is part of who he is, additionally. He himself has an Engineering approach to helping build sales teams. And marketing campaigns with global reach that are simply out of this world! (I have personally known his wife Tanya and know this to be true ) ! In all facets of your life, Marketing Is Freedom offers great opportunities for learning. They are like family and I’m grateful and thankful for that. Mentoring and teaching me have been the greatest benefit of their work in my life. This really happened.

In his book, “Marketing is Freedom,” Rory imparts the marketing wisdom he has gained over the course of his career. This book gives you real-life strategies that you can use right away. Now is the time to use them! In addition- do you want to know what the proof is? Here it is! His knowledge, development, and application of that knowledge are all proven and solid. To learn more about marketing trends is very simple, in fact. That means you can apply it to your life with Rory’s assistance.

Every day humans can benefit from marketing – Marketing is Freedom

The best thing about Rory is that there is much to learn from him. Rory is a master of marketing. The everyday person struggling to get by who wishes to get ahead. Stay-at-home parents looking to earn some cash while raising their children, and marketing professionals working for large corporations can all benefit from the program.


AT THIS TIME OF DIGITALITY In Marketing is Freedom

According to Rory, “the Lion is the king of the animal kingdom when it comes to marketing. When he eats, he catches his prey away from him from a high vantage point. Taking a path directly toward the Lioness, they immediately turn away from the King. Sending their reaction in a direction they initially did not anticipate. Demonstrating confidence and knowledge of the environment and resources to accomplish the acquisition objective. ”

Hence, implementing a proven marketing strategy that is fine-tuned will result in successful outcomes. Therefore, IF YOU ARE TEACHABLE AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS, you are able to do it!

Marketing is like a river that just flows

The best marketing is done in such a way that it feels like something else altogether. Marketing perfection, for example, is when clients treat a purchase like it’s their own. Welcome to Rory’s 32-year career in the direct marketing and sales industry. This site demonstrates the full understanding and knowledge he has gained, in fact. 

Ultimately, “Marketing is Freedom will open your understanding of marketing. And help you gain a greater understanding of it. You can build your brand and business to incredible success by becoming a King or a Queen.” – Rory

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This book is by far the greatest book that I have read. I read it in a day and a half. I just couldn’t put it down. It is a book that you could read over and over and still pick up something different out of it.

I hope that in the near future, Rory will write another book. I know that he has some much knowledge built up that he could probably write five books. He would probably have more knowledge than that because he is always figuring out new things and sharing them with us.